Cleaning after a crime
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Cleaning after a crime

After we had our home burgled I had to clean it from top to bottom. It felt kind of dirty at home, as though all of our possession had been contaminated by the crime. I know that everyone whose home is broken into or the victim of a crime at home goes through similar feelings of creepiness and a need to clean. I thought it might be useful to start a blog to discuss how to clean the house or the best cleaning services to use to help your house feel like a home again. It should be useful to anyone who has gone through a bad experience and needs a fresh start in their own beloved home.


Cleaning after a crime

  • Pressure Cleaning: Affordable, Effective & Chemical-Free

    31 July 2023

    In recent decades pressure cleaners have revolutionised the cleaning industry, offering an efficient solution for tackling tough grime and dirt. Harnessing the force of pressurised water, these machines deliver remarkable cleaning results without the need for multiple workers or harmful chemicals. This article will delve into the inner workings of pressure cleaners, their environmentally friendly features, and what makes them so effective. Understanding the basics of pressure cleaning Pressure cleaners are equipped with a high-pressure pump that generates a forceful stream of water, measured in pounds per square inch (PSI).